Saturday, March 21, 2020

Young People must Reflect on Social Distancing.

I have been listening to the news that suggests that young people are not taking heed of the calls for social distancing in the wake of efforts to control the spread of COVID 19.

I reflected on this and on my practice. I teach a course called the Theory of Knowledge to 17 year olds at high school and we discuss issues like this in class but with my students out of class I reflected on what I could do to engage them.  At the same time I was reflecting on the positive feedback I received from the course coordinator on my last lesson (my post just prior to this). I also took heed of the areas I needed to improve on. In response to this I created the lesson below to engage my students in this very relevant issue. I also paid attention to linking my lesson objectives explicitly to the questions and I ensured that the lesson could be used by students with hearing and visual impairment.

I spent much time reflecting on how I would get students engaged and on how I would get them thinking, analyzing and reflecting.

I also reflected on action and I am seeing the need to ask on or two questions during my 2 minute presentation to allow for students to reflect in action.

My full lesson is available on Ted Ed. Please feel free to flip it to suit your needs or to use as is.
See link below:
The graphics were from Piktochart and here is a link to my piktochart


  1. Hi Dan, I liked the way how you shared our perspective on social distancing and how you used Ted Ed. This is platform is something that I can consider using in the future. Well done.

  2. Hi Ilonka, Thanks for reading and commenting. Ted ED also have ready made lessons by animators and teachers that you can use as is or flip to your purpose. Also if you collaborate with another you can share lessons and then make adjustments or flips as you need to suit your purpose.

